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TrackOFF TrackOFF 1.0

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TrackOFF Publisher's Description

You’re no dummy — you know your privacy is under attack every time you browse the web.
But as a normal computer user, you don’t have time for the technical mumbo jumbo. You want to scream: “Just stop them from watching everything I do and from stealing my identity online!” We get it, and we’ve got you covered.

Your computer has unique fingerprints used to identify & track you. TrackOFF works like a glove that protects them.

Encryption is complicated, but with TrackOFF you can enable anonymous encrypted browsing for tasks like online banking.

Hard-to-remove tracking cookies tell the story of who you are and where you've been. TrackOFF blasts them away in seconds.

Ever wonder who's watching you online? TrackOFF shows each website trying to follow you.

Your computer’s “IP Address” helps the government & hackers find your exact location. TrackOFF’s VPN encrypted browsing stops them.

Your search queries are monitored and shared on normal search engines. TrackOFF's private search lets you perform searches without anyone watching.

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